Friday, February 26, 2016

Clash of Clans Wall Breakers Stuff

I started playing Clash of The Clans and wanted to track some game facts for quick reference:


Wall Breaker Counters:

Monday, February 8, 2016

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

BF4 Video of FairFight100 (player id: 1742155789) hacking with flying shooting flare (wth?!!)

Headlines: Flying Flare Kills Gamer!!!

This guy had a flying flare that was shooting people, I kid you not. He was czardonney but changed his name. Look at that kdr! 20.35 and most kills with a flare. Go figure right. 

Here is the video of him hacking I recorded and put on in case the quality is better on one than the other:


Twitch Highlight:

So far the only way to track him is by using his battle report which has his player id: 1742155789

This was the report that goes with the video:

So I can track him easier since he keeps changing his name:

I reported him on 2/3/2016. Lets see how long this one takes.

Update 2/8/2016: His score hasn't moved and the rest of his data looks the same. I chatted with a EA guy on the forums and he said they dont mark accounts banned so it would be hard to tell. He said if the guy is ban it might be an indicator if the persons stats dont change. If this is the case then he got banned pretty quick in my opinion. I'll keep checking for a while and see.